教育英語實習報告合集2篇 學識與智慧蓬勃發展:教育英語實習報告合集

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教育英語實習報告合集2篇 學識與智慧蓬勃發展:教育英語實習報告合集


during the last few months before graduation, i am responsible for the work as an administrative assistant. in this process, i adopted the methods of seeing, asking and learning to understand the specific business knowledge about our company’s administrative work and expand my professional knowledge studied at school, which laid a solid foundation for my future career. from the view of individual development, the greatest impact on me should be the personal working style and the important effect of professional knowledge to the job, since they are something i haven’t learned in school, in the report, i'll introduce my congnition and experience of this aspect firstly accumulated during internship.

according to the characteristics of an assistant, we may adjust our attitudes to alleviate the pressure and face setbacks. as the popular saying goes, " when god is going to give someone important tasks, he must suffer a lot, be exhausted, hungry and empty, god will disturb him and help him to be brilliant. "analyze problems calmly from the objective and subjective aspects, goals, environment and conditions to find out the causes, taking effective remedial measures. develop a dialectical view of setbacks and keep confident and optimistic, recognizing that it’s setbacks and lessons that make us become clever and mature, and failure eventually creates success. learn self-comfort and tolerance to be forthright, positive and hard working. try to convert pressure into a kind of driving force and change the inner state of repression to get relaxed physically and mentally, striving for success. i have been familiar with copy, fax, document processing and other assistant works. most documents have different degrees of confidentiality, and various assistants often close to the leader, see some important documents and participate in a number of important meetings, so the assistants should be notice own behaviors in public activities and act properly, konwing exactly what they can speak or not. accuracy is the requirement of work quality. the accuracy of administrative management refers to reflecting the policy, informing the intention of the leader and doing the work correctly, acting properly and expressing clearly, which guarantee the accuracy of the leader’s work in some degree. the secretarial management accuracy involvs many aspects, briefly speaking, it includes accurate documenting, proper acting, ture information and cautious ideas. and in order to reach these standards, we must be seriouly and carefully instead of being neglectly and casually. for example, when doing documenting, we should ensure the quality of the file with accurate words, real material, serious copy and careful proofread to avoid any mistakes. otherwise it will delay the work, or even lead to irreparable loss.

the process of internship is filled with joy of harvest and also regret. perhaps it is because that the time is short and management is not my major, my understanding of administrative assistant work just stays at the surface, watching people do and

listening to them about how to do without self-experience, which results in grasping its essence hardly. but the internship has deepened my understanding of some basic konwledge of secretary, enriched my actual management knowledge, gotten certain perceptual and rational congnition on the daily management work. to do the daily business secretarial management work well, we should not only pay attention to the theoretic knowledge of management, but also combine the theory and practice closely.

i have found out my shortcomings through about one-month intership. i will try my best in the future work and study,learning from each other. i believe that i could be proficient and better in my future carrer !

教育英語實習報告合集2篇 學識與智慧蓬勃發展:教育英語實習報告合集 第2張






1、從英語教師的自身、教學等方面探究現今職高英語教學的現狀。首先,從職高英語教師的自身方面談一談教學的狀況。經過近三個月的相處,我發現教師的文化水平都是本科。經過從教導處瞭解的信息,在這所職高年級佔絕大多數的中學中擁有本科文憑的老師佔多數,只有少數教師擁有碩士文憑。這證明職高英語教師普遍文憑不高。其次,從現今職高英語教師的'教學方面來看英語教學的狀況。在教學方法方面,職高一年級基本都採用問答法、講授法,少數有經驗的老教師會採用自學輔導法、情境教學法以更好地達到效果。在採用教學設備方面,經調查發現,現在的課堂教學,大多數老師所使用的教學方法還是原始的:老師講 1


2、從學生的角度探究現今職高英語的發展現狀。我實習的年級是職高一年級且全是男生,學生都在十六歲左右。這種學校該年齡段的學生存在失落和自卑感強烈、惰性和厭學心理普遍、 偏執和叛逆心理嚴重、法紀和是非觀念淡漠等問題。經過觀察,我發現這個班的學生不是好動、做小動作,就是睡覺,不跟老師的步伐來。如果上課不集中,是根本掌握不了知識的,這非常讓老師頭痛。所以上課時,吸引學生注意、維護課堂秩序就成了每個一年級英語教師的重頭戲,我想從學生方面説,這可能是因為職高學生英語基礎差,學習能力弱,自控力不強有很大關係,這門課對他們來説還是一門很新鮮的學科。當然這種現象和職高英語教師的教學也是分不開的,每一位職高英語教師都努力讓每一個學生愛上英語,他們使盡手段、用盡方法,就是要把學生的注意力引導到英語學習上來。


在學習壓力方面,我是在職高實習的,調查的對象都是職高學生,這個職高學校對學生管的很嚴,除了放假不許出校門,一切生活都在校內進行。據我深入學生之中瞭解到的,大多數 2



職高學校中學生存在一些明顯的影響英語學習的心理因素:⑴ 失落和自卑感強烈。很大一部分學生由於自控能力差、貪圖玩樂且學習不得法,成績普遍較差,進入職業學校前飽受老師的批評、同學的冷漠和家長的訓斥, 總覺得自己低人一等,存在着比較嚴重的自卑心理;⑵ 惰性和厭學心理普遍。學生到了職校後,很多人不能主動地吸取會考失敗的經驗教訓,在思想上仍沒認識到學習的重要性,特別是職校新的教學模式新的學習內容更讓他們一時難以適應!⑶ 偏執和叛逆心理嚴重。職校學生大多正值十五、六歲的年齡段,處於心理上的逆反期,做事一意孤行,在家讓父母頭疼,在學校也根本聽不進老師對他們的教育。(4) 法紀和是非觀念淡漠。許多中等職業學校的學生法紀觀念淡薄,自控意識和行為能力差,是非觀念不強,在校園內打架、鬥毆甚至盜竊等違法行為時有發生;不請假外出、翻牆上網等違反校紀校規已成常態。





